Leora Fulvio, MFT
Leora Fulvio, MFT
Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy & Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy & Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Eating Disorder Resources:
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders. A non profit that specialized in helping people heal from anorexia and bulimia.
Referral source for eating disorders
Center for Disease Control Obesity Resources
Body Positive Resources Encouraging Health at Any Size
International Size Acceptance Group to promote size acceptance and fight body discrimination
National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance
Resource for many books to help heal eating disorders and body image issues
Information and resources about anorexia and bulimia
Non Profit in the Bay Area that promotes freedom from food and weight obsession
Woman's campaign to end body hatred and dieting
Alcohol and Substance Abuse Resource
Alcoholics Anonymous Recovery Resources
SAMHSA's Substance Abuse/Addiction
Psychotherapy Resources:
San Francisco is blessed to have so many amazing therapists. Here are just a few who I recommend.
Denise Kralj who specializes in couples, grief & loss, adult children of alcoholics, anxiety/depression and new moms. 415-742-1486- www.denisekralj.com
Barrie Yuspeh who specializes in treating depression and anxiety and people in their 20's and 30's trying to find their place in the world.
Her office is located in Lower Pacific Heights.
Nicole Laby who specializes in treating eating disorders, couples, sexual orientation issues and infertility. 415-820-3952 -www.nicolelaby.com
Her office is located in the Castro.
Susie Finch who specializes in treating trauma, eating disorders, alcohol and substance abuse, personality disorders, couples counseling gay & lesbian relationships and queer issues. 415-820-3990
Her office is located in the Castro.
Sevin Phillips who specializes in treating couples as well as relationship and intimacy issues. 415-425-2521 - www.sftherapy.org
His office is located in Cow Hollow.
Courtney Collier who specializes in treating relationship issues, codependency, family of origin issues, childhood physical and sexual abuse and incest. 415-990-3097. -http://www.courtneycollier.com/
Brett Penfil who is also a certified life coach as well as a psychotherapist specializes in treating couples with infidelity issues, finances, and pre-marital counseling as well as job loss, career transition, job stress and rebuilding life after a relationship ends. 415-824-3242