Leora Fulvio, MFT
Leora Fulvio, MFT
Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy & Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)
Psychotherapy & Hypnotherapy & Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

Working with Me
People start therapy to deal with a variety of issues. Many people with struggle with self esteem issues, or continually getting into damaging relationships, or wishing that they could be in a relationship but feeling as though they can't or don't know how. Others come in to deal with work stress, relationship stress, anxiety or depression. Many people come in to discuss their pasts, either their childhood or past relationships or past experiences that today still affect their lives.
My goal is to provide a warm, safe place to deeply explore these issues. As we understand the past and how it relates to the present, we are able to let go of the behaviors that hold us back from living our lives to the fullest.
As we work together, we continue to review your goals for therapy and assess your progress. Is something isn't working, we do something different.
This is your therapy and your needs are the most important, so it's important for us to continually check in with each other to see how therapy is going, figure out if you are meeting or have met your goals or if there are new issues that you're wanting to work on.
My Approach
I practice Eclectic Integrative Psychotherapy. That basically means, I try to do what works for the individual client. Some people enjoy and respond to mindfulness, hypnotherapy, somatic therapy and a more spiritual or mind/body approach. Others prefer a more analytic psychodynamic approach. Still others would prefer a behavioral approach with more homework. It's really up to you. I incorporate several different modalities into my healing work. This includes Hypnotherapy, Somatic Experiencing, Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Journal Writing, Art Therapy and Psychodynamic work. Because human personalities are so dynamic and multi-dimensional, usually all of these different techniques are integrated and can change as the therapy continues.
CBT - (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) Together, we identify unhealthy patterns of thinking and the reactions to those thoughts which usually lead to certain behaviors. We then replace them with healthier thoughts.
Somatic Therapy- Puts the focus on how your feelings have manifested in your body. We pay attention to bodily sensations which indicate where you might be holding emotions or difficult feelings. This gives us more information about what might be going on.
Hypnotherapy- This allows clients, if they choose, to go into a trance state to help them to work through issues in a very relaxed state. This also involves guided visualizations and meditations.
Psychodynamics- Psychoanalysis can help the client recognize family dynamics and social patterns that helped the client get to the place that he or she is currently in. Discussing the past can bring new light to the present situation and can also give the client insight on how he or she can do something differently.
About Me
I began working in the healing arts in 1999 after receiving my certification in Hypnotherapy at the Oakland Center for Hypnotherapy. I was working with many people who were dealing with extensive eating disorders as well as very deep trauma, depression, and anxiety. I loved what I was doing and wanted to delve deeper into understanding the workings of the human mind and emotional pain. This spurred me to pursue my graduate degree in Psychology.
I received my Master's Degree in Integral Counseling Psychology from the California Institute of Integral Studies in San Francisco in 2006 and became a licensed Psychotherapist in the State of California in 2009. I hold a license as a Marriage & Family Therapist (California License #MFC 47431)
I also hold a Bachelor's Degree in Creative Writing from Bard College in Annandale-on-Hudson, NY.
I have professional affiliations with:
-California Association of Marriage and Family Therapist (CAMFT)
-San Francisco Chapter of California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
-National Eating Disorders Association
-BEDA (Binge Eating Disorders Association)